Friday, August 22, 2014

HPC sessions at VMworld US 2014

Considering the number of sessions up for vote:

there were considerably fewer accepted sessions but still a few to pay attention to next week, either in your schedule or to review after the conference is over.  This is a short-list since it's last minute and my apologies if I'm missing a session so please let me know in the comments or twitter.  As a rule, I would check the master schedule onsite as times and dates may change.  In addition, during TAM day lunch on Sunday, there will be a table with Josh Simons, resident master of HPC in the Office of the CTO, and Matt Herreras, SLED SE manager, to answer informal questions about virtualizing HPC.

Virtualized-HPC-as-a-Service #vBrownBag Talk
Monday at 12:30pm in the Community hangspace:

INF1466: High-Performance Computing in the Virtualized Datacenter
This customer session was already full for Tuesday, 2-3pm.  It would be great to get a repeat session but no guarantees.  Edmond had in-depth results to share last year and I am looking forward to this one for more real-world experience.

VAPP1856: How to Engage with Your Engineering, Science, and Research Groups About Virtualization and Cloud Computing
This is with Josh Simons and Matt Herreras, Thursday 10:30-11:30am.

TEX1808: Data Plane Performance for NFV with VMware vSphere and Intel DPDK
This is with Bhavesh Davda from VMware's Office of the CTO and Edwin Verplanke, a Systems Architect for Intel, to discuss the latest on low latency networking.  A bit early on Wednesday at 8-9am but definitely still recommended.

VAPP1428: Hadoop as a Service: Utilizing VMware vCloud Automation Center and Big Data Extensions at Adobe
Discussing the business use-case but also performance recommendations and handling operations for high-utilization VMs, Monday 1-2pm and Wednesday 2:30-3:30pm.

Finally, the Office of the CTO and HPC team will have staffing at the VMware OCTO booth for additional questions or comments.

Monday, August 18, 2014

My VMworld 2014 Schedule

Hopefully everyone who is going to be attending VMworld in San Francisco this year has their accommodations already worked out.  The following is tentatively where I'll be presenting or outside of private customers meetings in a week.  I look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday - 8/24/14

I'll hopefully be working at the VCDX bootcamp at the local office in San Francisco.  I really enjoy working with the up and coming VMware architects in the industry.  I believe becoming a VCDX, and to be more specific, going through the preparation and panel process which includes focused analysis of design, tradeoffs and realities, really helped me gain a depth of understanding in architecture.  To be authoritative in one area is a first step, for example storage or networking or a specific application.  Then to become authoritative in multiple areas and orchestrate a solution is another step.  And in the VCDX process, to not only author solutions in front of customers but to do that in front of a prepared panel of experts and peer is another step altogether.  It would never be satisfying for me to sit across the table from potential architects and see them fail so it is my hope to be able to mentor and offer what insights I have as well as learn from their own experiences.  What is knowledge without perspective!

Monday - 8/25/14

12:30pm-12:45pm - #vBrownBag vHPC-as-a-Service: I'll be presenting in the Community Hangspace.  Basically a condensed lightning talk about the what/why/how of doing virtualized HPC-aaS.  If there are additional questions, that's great, as I'll be at the VMware Office of the CTO booth as well as around the venue for the next few days.

1:00-2:00pm - VAPP1428 Hadoop-as-a-Service: Chris Mutchler from Adobe and I will be giving this update on the most recent developments and examples around the growing possibilities for companies to evolve their data pipelines in an elastic, self-service, and scalable manner.

4:00-5:00pm - VAPP1807 Best Practices of Virtualizing Hadoop on vSphere - Customer Panel: Wouldn't miss this for for insight and perspective on other customers' high performance data analytics environments.

Tuesday - 8/26/14

1:00-6:00pm - Office of the CTO booth: On the Solutions Exchange floor at the VMware booth to answer questions and show off some of the bleeding edge work being done by VMware's OCTO organization.

Wednesday - 8/27/14

2:30-3:30pm - VAPP1428 Hadoop-as-a-Service (repeat session)

Thursday - 8/28/14

10:30-11:30am - STO1424 Massively Scaling VSAN Implementations: Another copresentation between Frans Van Rooyen from Adobe and myself on the early and rapidly evolving work being done to build and manage VSAN beyond single clusters and datacenters.